Biblical Truth

Let’s discuss Bible Scriptures:

There can not be light on the first three days if God created the sun on the fourth day. (Gen 1:16) For there to be morning and evening on the first three days the Earth must be rotating around the sun.

God says that Adam and Eve will die the very day that they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but Adam lived to be 930 years old. So, God lied and the serpent told the truth. -Gen 2:17. -Gen 5:5

Why keep knowledge of good and evil from mankind? Leave it to religion to say seeking knowledge is an evil desire.

God is afraid that man will become ‘like us’, (living forever and knowing good and evil) if man also eats from the tree of life. -Gen 3:22. So the often repeated Christian ideology that says Adam and Eve brought death to the world is wrong. God never intended Adam and Eve to live forever.

By placing the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in the middle of the Garden is also a scenario where God is tempting mankind with the ability to become like him. Later in the Bible, it claims that God does not tempt mankind. -James 1:13

Jesus is not the only Son of God: -Gen 6:4. “…when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them.” Also Exodus 4:22 “Israel is my firstborn son” directly contradicts John 3:18 which claims Jesus is “the only Son of God.”

Genocide is bad, OK! A loving and all powerful God would not commit multiple genocides, nor convince his followers to disobey his own Ten Commandments by telling them to covet their neighbors property and to commit genocide to obtain it.

God saw mankind united and successful and he decided to say, “come let us go down and confuse their language.” -Gen 11:6-7. Which contradicts the New Testament that says God is not the author of confusion.

Abram married Sarai, his sister. So the Bible supports incest. -Gen 11:27-29

Sarai’s slave, Hagar, was forced to have Abram’s son, because Sarai was not able to bear children. -Gen 16:2. An Angel of the Lord forces Hagar to submit to her mistress when she attempts to escape. So the God of the Bible supports slavery and rape. -Gen 16:8-9

Later Sarai exiles her slave and the son she bore for Abram. – Gen 21:10. Then God makes Sarai able to give birth again and renamed her Sarah. -Gen 17:15. If this is so, why didn’t God just make her able to have kids in the first place instead of forcing a slave to get rapped by her master?

Later Abram doesn’t want his son to be married with a local Canaanite -Gen 24:2-4. (The Canaanites are people cursed by Noah because Canaan’s father, Ham, who is Noah’s son, saw Noah naked when he got drunk one night. Noah cursed Canaan into slavery because of this incident, even though Canaan was totally uninvolved. Noah, a “righteous man” in the eyes of God. -Gen 9:20-26.) So, Abram, now Abraham, told his servant to find a wife for his son from their own tribe. So Abraham was not just an incestuous slave owner but also a racist eugenicist.

– Gen 19:4-8. For some wild figment of a Bible writer’s imagination, every male Sodomite (young and old) apparently wanted to have sex with two angels disguised as men, that God sent to the city to seek out ten righteous people so he can judge whether he would commit genocide or not. Lot defends the two angels by offering his two virgin daughters to the rapists, so they can have their way with them. Lot knew the two angels simply as strangers but was willing to sacrifice both his daughters to keep them safe?

– Gen 19:31-36. Later, Lot gets rapped by both of his daughters by getting intoxicated by them with alcohol. Is that all it takes for a father to have sex with his own daughters? Doesn’t seem likely and why is this sick story in a Holy Bible?

Would a God of loving kindness support Moses decision to kill women, to kill the little boys, and to keep the virgin girls for themselves? So, why is that in the Bible? -Numbers 31:17-18

Slavery is unethical, but even in the New Testament it says that slaves need to obey their abusive masters. -1 Peter 2:18

Is it not cruel and unusual punishment to force people to eat their own children? -Leviticus 26:29. God of the Bible also curses your future generations for the sins you commit. -Exodus 34:7

Is it right to kill your wife at her father’s door step because you found out she was not a virgin on your wedding night? Bible says it is. -Deuteronomy 22:13-21

Is artwork immoral? Bible says it is. -Deuteronomy 5:8

In Psalms it says that, happy they will be while seeking revenge from Babylon by taking their little ones and dashing them against the rock. -Psalms 137:9

Jesus says to turn the cheek, then he whips people at the temple.

Jesus says do not say ‘you fool’ or you may be liable to the hell of fire. Yet he calls people fools on many occasions. -Matthew 5:22, -Matthew 23:17, -Luke 11:40, -Luke 24:25

Jesus says to love your enemy, but hate your mother and father, brother and sister, son and daughter, and even life itself to be his disciple. -Luke 14:26.

Jesus said, my peace I give you, and also, I’ve come not to bring peace but a sword and to divide families. Which he surely has done to my family. -Matthew 10:34-36

Jesus says that he is not good and only the father is good. -Mark 10:18. Then he says that he is one with the Father. -John 10:30

Bible says God is not a God of confusion. -1 Corinthians 14:33. Are not contradictions a cause of confusion?

Jesus says that God is our father and if you ask him for a fish he will not give you a serpent. -Matthew 7:10. But you better cut off your hand and gouge your eyes out to avoid him from destroying your soul in hell. -Matthew 5:30

You must Fear the Lord and Love the Lord with all your might. Good luck.

Don’t forget to stone your neighbor to death when he doesn’t keep the sabbath. Is that Saturday or Sunday?

Old Testament says, don’t repeat yourself when you pray. -Sirach 7:14. Yet Catholics pray the rosary over and over again.

Doesn’t the Old Testament say not to make a wood carving of a man and hang it up with chains to worship it? Yes it does. So why are Christians not obeying every letter of the law as Jesus said to do?

If you truly believe Jesus is God then why do as Paul says instead of listening to Christ himself; who said scriptures can not be annulled and he did not come to abolish the law of the prophets? -Matthew 5:17-20

Jesus clearly said to sell all your possessions and give to the poor. To take your cross and follow him. To not worry where to lay your head, or what you will eat, and to spread the good news. He said it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. Blessed are the poor. Woe to the rich. Forgive your debtors. He also whipped the money changers out of the temple. So what’s up with all these wealthy capitalist organizations claiming to represent Christianity when Jesus was clearly a socialist? They fly in their private jets and sit on their golden thrones while homeless people piss in the streets around Vatican City. And millionaires like Trump dare claim to be Christian.

Was the daughter of Jairus at the point of death and Jesus was delayed before hearing of her death, (Mark 5:23), or was she already dead when Jairus approached Jesus (Matthew 9:18) Depends which gospel you read.

Did Judas die by hanging, (Matthew 27:5) or did he fall face first and his bowels gushed out? -Acts 1:18. It can not be both.

Was the curtain torn before or after Jesus died? Depends which gospel you read.

Did Jesus die on the day of Passover or the day before Passover? Depends which gospel you read.

Was the stone of Jesus tomb rolled open before or after the women arrive? Was it one woman, two, three or five or more? Did they see one man, two men, or an angel? Did Jesus die feeling forsaken or did he go with confidence? Depends which gospel you read.

There are two genealogies for Jesus in the Bible and they are drastically different.

Jesus, while speaking of the end times said that “this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” How many generations have since come and gone? -Luke 21:32

A root of the problem with racism in Christian communities is the fact that Jesus is racist in the gospel of Matthew 10:5-6 he told his disciples to “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” When he said love your neighbor he meant the Israelites or decedents of the house of Jacob, who God named Israel in Genesis. See also, Matthew 15:21-26 when Jesus did not answer a Canaanite woman begging him to save her daughter from demons. His disciples urged him, then he replied, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to a dog.”

Believe in angels and an infinitely intelligent all knowing and all loving God all you want; but you can’t say that a loving and all knowing God wrote such disgusting, immoral, and contradicting scriptures.

How can a genocidal maniac possibly represent Love?

Reconciliation gives forgiveness, not belief in a prophet.

Pretending to drink someone’s blood and eat their flesh is disgusting.

Meditating on someone’s suffering saves no one from nothing.

Why would God have to sacrifice himself to himself to save us from himself?

The Bible was written by men who wanted to control people with fear and punishment and justify their immoral behavior. If you study non-violent communication you’ll know that it specifically requires not to reward or punish, but to give empathy for each other’s feelings and needs; which will lead towards conflict resolution.

Many Christians are traumatized by fear mongering pedophiles who hide from justice with support from their religious institutions.

Because of this book, people are choosing not to believe in scientific evidence of evolution, of human caused climate change, and coronavirus science.

Millions of trees get cut every year for a religious ritual on the 25th of December while there is a climate crisis that needs us to let as many trees live as possible.

The Bible is a dangerously immoral book. The south used it to justify slavery (Leviticus 25:44) and colonialists used it to enslave and commit genocide on native people around the world.

In the Bible women are described as property and need longer time to purify themselves than men do.

Woman never came from Man. Every man came out of a woman.

Our democracy gave women equal rights; scriptures never have and never will. Women are not treated as equals, but are persecuted because of this book. Women are prohibited from Teaching and having authority over men in 1 Timothy 2:11-12. A woman that is raped is forced to marry her rapist in Deuteronomy 22:28. A woman is not made in the glory of God and therefore requires a veil when she prays due to Eve’s sin according to 1 Corinthians 11:5.

There is hatred for homosexuals who get murdered because of this book.

There is deadly racism because of this book.

Prisoners today are being treated as slaves and being tortured in hellish conditions instead of being rehabilitated because of this book.

Believing that you are saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone and not by your works is immoral, because you should believe in reconciliation, rehabilitation, and service to your fellow human beings.

The Quran is no better. Mohammed had sex with a nine year old that he married when she was six. He was also a murderous warlord that cut people’s heads off.

There are instructions in the Quran to beat your wife if she is disobedient.

There are also instructions to kill nonbelievers of their faith.

Words matter. And many scriptures are unethical.

Let’s move out of the Bronze Age mentality and allow our ethics to continue to evolve.

The Bible demands you to oppose it. It says to seek wisdom as for hidden treasure and to stand up for the truth. The truth hurts, but people need it now more than ever.

We need all people to acknowledge their scriptures are fictional, so we can unite humanity with sound ethics and understanding of scientific discoveries.

We don’t have intelligence until we make ecological sense.

Why don’t we start by respecting life on Earth. Let’s honor the rights of animals to live. Let’s live our lives with responsibility for the prosperity of our future generations.

As an intelligent species, we have the responsibility to care for the ecosystems that sustain life on this planet, and acknowledge that all the different species born on this planet play an important role in the ecosystem and also deserve rights to not be enslaved, imprisoned, and killed in massive numbers to be treated as products in the market.

Permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and to Return of Surplus back toward Earth Care and People Care should be embraced by all to change our negative impact into a positive impact for the future generations.

We need to have the courage to change our negative beliefs that divide people and cause needless suffering.

Beliefs have power. Placebo is real. What do you choose to believe? I pray it’s beneficial to the All.

I was raised Roman Catholic, and it has taken a lot of study to acknowledge scriptures as fictional. I pray this article helps bring truth to light.

As for my beliefs and where they have gone, I believe in Mother Nature. Our Goddess that gave birth to life and the All that surrounds us. A cubic centimeter of space contains more energy than everything visible in the Hubble telescope. Just like babies are formed in the darkness of the womb, and seeds sprout from the darkness of the soil, galaxies are born from the darkness of space. The dark is not evil, it gives birth to light and could very well be the source of our origins. Even inside an atom there is space.

We are all born innocent babies. The environment and our experiences mold our character. There are no evil people; only lack of understanding, lack of health, lack of human connection, and lack of needs being met.

I feel lucky to be born in my circumstances. But I’m not grateful because my circumstances come from a system that exploits people and nature and animals in a horrific way.

This unjust world gives birth to babies that starve to death. Our prayers will not save the 16,000 children that die of starvation everyday. We need to get to work.

I feel a great sense of urgency to make the world a better place for all life on Earth. Because this life may be all there is. The comforts of an afterlife take away meaning from living a life with purpose for future generations here and now.

Is this the Home of the Brave? Do we have the courage to face the truth?

Scriptures are fictional.

We need to unite Humanity with ethics and science. Climate science is reality and we need to live with ecologically functional design, and with respect for this majestic miracle of life that we are all taking in vain.

-Photography by Jose O. Mediavilla

-Written by Jose O. Mediavilla

-Artwork found in google search from unknown origin, Color restoration done by Jose O. Mediavilla

-References: Bible & Bible Scholar Bart D. Ehrman


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